Users of the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp can now send and receive cryptocurrencies through the Lite.Im bot. For the time being Bitcoin and Litecoin will be available for such transactions, but as the system gains popularity other digital tokens are expected to join in. Used by over 1 billion people in 180 countries, the messaging app is one of the most popular ones in the world. This new function is expected to help bring cryptocurrency into the mainstream, allowing anyone to use the currency in the same way they handle traditional money. The announcement was made by Zulu Republic on their Twitter account. Those interested in being the first to experience this new system need to add the Lite.IM WhatApp bot and follow the on-screen instructions. Apart from allowing cryptocurrency transactions, this add-on offers a variety of other useful options. Users can earn cryptocurrency through the referral program and can set their default coin, from either Bitcoin or Litecoin. They can also customise it with their selected language, and password. Shortly, the system will also allow the transfer of Ether and ZTX, Zulu Republic's own native token.