EXMO have updated their wallet service with plenty of new features for traders to benefit from. These new updates pretty much cover all the aspects of the wallet that you would need to be top of the range, as well as plenty of brand-new features that will make using the EXMO Wallet even better than it ever was before. [cta text='Visit EXMO' href='/out/exmo'] The overarching change is the decision to break the service into 6 different pages so you can easily find and make use of what you need from the wallet. These news pages will include Balance, Transactions, Templates, Fees, Limits, and Analytics. In their latest blog post on their platform, EXMO has explained all the details about the 2.0 version of their wallet. This gives you an insight into how the new wallet is better for you as a trader and as to why you should opt for it over the various other crypto wallets that are on the market. If you want to learn more about the EXMO wallet and begin using it in conjunction with their exchange service, then you can do so by going to their platform right now to begin trading and storing with EXMO.