UNICEF Believes Blockchain Can Solve Global Challenges

UNICEF Believes Blockchain Can Solve Global Challenges

News we are pleased to write. The UNICEF joined the Blockchain revolution this Monday as its Innovation Fund will invest in six companies from five different countries.

Developers will work in systems to solve global problems in Healthcare, mobile communication and funding distribution in social initiatives.

According to a press release published by the international organisation, the UNICEF’s Innovation Fund will contribute with up to $100,000 USD in the companies that would work in open-source prototypes of blockchain applications within in the next 12 months.

The companies are from five different countries, the Indian startup Statwig, Tunisian app developer Utopixar, Argentinian software development firm Atix Labs, the web apps developer W3 Engineers from Bangladesh, and two tech organisations from Mexico, Onesmart and Prescrypto.

“Selected from more than 100 applications across 50 countries,” says the press release. “These six companies will build prototypes and systems for global problems like transparency in health-care delivery, affordable access to mobile phone connectivity, and the ability to direct finances and resources to social-impact projects.”

Chris Fabian, Principal Adviser, UNICEF Innovation, affirmed that UNICEF could use blockchain technology to create a better world. “That is exactly the stage when UNICEF Innovation Fund invests: when our financing, technical support, and focus on vulnerable populations can help a technology grow and mature in the most fair and equitable way possible.”

As for the projects, Atix Labs will provide a platform to gain access to funding and to track where funds are used.

Blockchain Applied in Social Initiatives

Onesmart will work on a solution to fight against misappropriation of funds and to ensure all state-provided social services reach their right recipients.

Prescrypto will work in the healthcare sector as it will provide a digital solution for countries that don’t have electronic prescriptions. The idea is to have a universal and common history of a patient that can improve the level of care.

Statwig will provide solutions to improve the implementation of vaccines in a supply chain management system.

Utopixar will develop a social media solution to enhance the collaboration and participation of communities and organisations in decision-making and value transfer.

W3 Engineers will work with refugee and migrant communities to provide them with an offline mobile networking platform that doesn’t need sim cards or internet connection.

The UNICEF interest in blockchain is not new, previously, UNICEF invested in smart contracts solutions for transactions and identity-focused startups.

Interested? “Prototypes of software, platforms and applications are available, demonstrations can be arranged upon request,” the press release states.

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