Trading212 does an analysis on Facebook's stablecoin, Libra, as well as what is going on in the current state of the cryptocurrency market. Many people and potential users see what Bitcoin is capable of doing as a financial instrument, but do not want to use it as a digital asset because of the increased level of volatility when compared to traditional assets. This problem led to the creation of stablecoins, or stable cryptocurrencies (usually pegged to an underlying asset) that give users all the benefits of blockchain technology without the added volatility. Facebook saw a huge opportunity to provide value via a stablecoin to their billions of users, and the Libra project was born. Libra, with oversight by the Libra Association is pretty much the opposite of Bitcoin. It is fully centrally controlled, and coins can be created or destroyed by a governing party that has no responsibilities to the network users, but to the majority shareholders. The Libra Association would be in full control, essentially becoming a digital Federal Reserve that governs over the entire network. The regulating bodies are other Facebook level cronies that do not want to promote decentralization and financial independence, but want more control over your spending and daily lives. Be very wary of projects like this, as they represent the antithesis of Bitcoin.