According to a report published by DataLight, a cryptocurrency analytics website, users from the United States made up the highest number of visits to exchanges across the world. DataLight noted that American residents made over 22 million monthly visits to the top 100 cryptocurrency exchanges. DataLight obtained these figures by looking at the web traffic data relating to these exchanges. Japan and South Korea followed the Americans, with over six and over five million visitors respectively. The report also shows some unexpected results, such as Turkey, Ukraine, and Mexico all placing within the top 20 rankings for exchange visits. Whilst the United States is still behind in cryptocurrency legislation, these results show that there is a strong and genuine interest by the country's residents to use and invest in digital tokens and assets. Japan's results are almost as surprising since the country recognized cryptocurrencies as legal tender back in April 2017. Nevertheless, the interest in crypto exchanges is significantly lower for a country which is normally the first to embrace technological advancements. The most notable result of this report is that with the exception of central Africa and Greenland, the whole world is visiting exchanges to some extent.