Kraken, the online cryptocurrency exchange, is hosting an free online webinar on the ‘secrets’ of successful crypto traders. Kraken, the large global cryptocurrency exchange, will be hosting a free online webinar with Nelson Minier on the secrets of successful crypto traders. Nelson Minier is the head of Kraken’s OTC Sales and Trading, and will be leading this webinar in order to offer Kraken clients and users direct insights into some of the top cryptocurrency fund managers in the world. This webinar will take online on Thursday, September 10th, at 13:00 UTC. Beyond Nelson Minier, the Kraken webinar will also include other experts in the cryptocurrency space. Some of the other guests include Daniel Matuszewski, former OTC director at Ciricle, and Bobby Cho, former COO at Cumberland. Now, both men are leading the investment firm CMS Holdings, and have very insightful experiences that can be shared. The webinar will cover many topics, such as: Analysis and commentary on current market trends Guidelines on how to transition expertise from finance to crypto Insights on where we’re headed and what next year will look likeTips and tricks that can help you avoid intro trading mistakes.