For those of you out there who have not experienced EFD trading in the past, IQ Option has explained why this is a good option for those who are looking to diversify their trading options. Exchange Traded Funds, which are abbreviated to EFDS, are trading options that have been growing steadily in popularity in recent months and years. EFDs are comprised of commodities, bonds, or baskets of assets. However, in terms of how you trade them, they function much the same way as stocks with EFDs also being traded in real-time. [cta text='Visit IQ Option' href='/out/iqoption'] As many traders well know, diversifying your trading portfolio is something that is a process that usually transpires to beneficial results for the trader. Why exactly should you use EFDS as your choice to diversify your portfolio? Well, IQ Option has listed their top three reasons as to why EFD Diversification is a good idea which could well convince you to start looking towards EFDs next time you are using their platform. Broader Market Exposure The first of the benefits that come from utilising EFTs is the broader market exposure you receive. In that, with ETFs, you gain access to multiple markets without having to buy significant numbers of stocks. As IQ Option put it, “they enable investors to expand their portfolio over several different investments.” Alongside this, as ETFs track and index and have an identical performance. This means the risk is lower than what you would get on traditional stocks. With this considered, it is a wise trading move that will mean you can spread your options out and have less reliance on just one trading area that you may have come overly accustomed to. Flexibility and Liquidity The second benefit IQ Option have highlighted is the flexibility and liquidity it offers. This is thanks to the fact that throughout the day when trading ETFs, their underlying assets will fluctuate as they are bought as sold. This is a broken down by IQ Option who explains that “they are traded like stocks, providing traders with the ability to short sell or buy on margin during market hours.” Investors will also have the option to invest in undervalued markets sectors. While ETF’s liquidity does really on its asset class, the overall view is that as tradable assets they have higher liquidity. Hedged Risk The third and final benefit from EFD trading is the fact that you get Hedged Risk. This means that of course, while the inherent risk of any form of trading remains, ETFs carry less than you might find on traditional assets due to their diversification. IQ Option provided this way of looking at it, “since you are trading with a basket of assets instead of one or two specific stocks, there is a greater chance that the losses of one or two assets can be averaged out by the gains of other assets comprising the ETF.” Of course, specifics of this risk depend on the ETF you choose to trade and some may have higher levels than others. If you want to try ETF trading then you can over to IQ Option now. However, before you do that you might want to read about some of their helpful trading goals or their explanation of how to use Rainbow trading