XTB have highlighted some delivery date changes on some of the instruments available on their platform. Posted at 11 am today, these will effect 8 instruments available for trading on their platform. It will see a change of delivery date for them and therefore, XTB have told traders that if they have open positions will be credited or debited with proper swap points amounts. [cta text='Visit XTB' href='/out/xtb] The affected instruments by these date changes are as follows: CHNComp, CHNComp., CHNComp+, CHNComp.. 99 swap points for long position; -99 swap points for short position HKComp+, HKComp., HKComp.., HKComp 206 swap points for long position; -206 swap points for short position If you are an invested party in any of these, then you this news is of importance to you, but at the time of writing, there are currently no other affected instruments by these changes. If you a stakeholder of any of these, then you can go to XTB in order to manage your assets and react accordingly to the changes that are currently in place.