CoinEX Announce New Listing NEM (XEM)

CoinEX Announce New Listing NEM (XEM)

CoinEx, one of the industry-leading exchange platforms, has announced the official listing of multi-faceted crypto, NEM (XEM).

Following the news of the launch of their margin trading options last week, CoinEX has given something for blockchain traders to indulge in too, with the addition of a new asset, NEM. NEM provides users with numerous different inherent services, with a focus on timestamping and tracking online operations.

Their purpose is to offer easy management of property ownership, certificates of achievement, verification of witnesses and verification of product quality. Their emphasis is on a proof-of-importance (POI) algorithm and there are four features that are the staple of the new CoinEX offering, according to the coin’s whitepaper. These are:

  • Namespaces, one unique root domain to create many different subdomains for their various projects or outside business accounts.
  • Mosaics, named assets on NEM.
  • Messages, open, encrypted and hex.
  • Multi-signature Contracts

Allowing for users to get a huge amount of control over all elements they need to keep track of and the assets brags to be “designed by professional enterprise-level developers to be a reboot of what an ideal blockchain should be.”  

Official trading of the new listing began yesterday, 4th July 2019, meaning you can start trading now with pairing offerings including XEM/BTC, XEM/BCH, XEM/USDT.  

Head over to CoinEX now to start trading with this latest option.

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