Binance has today announced that they have update the service available on their educational platform, Binance Academy. Binance Academy, the arm of Binance aimed at making blockchain more accessible via education, has incorporated new updates aimed at “enhancing the user experience to facilitate faster and better learning” according to a blog post shared today. The two key changes to the service are centred around the Homepage and the Promoted Content section of the site. The homepage has been updated to be much more user-friendly, which means new both major and minor features. The minor features include reading time estimates, a new video indicator icon, an image refactoring icon that to reduce loading speeds and data usage and numerous other under-the-hood enhancements. However, the real change comes in the form of the implementation of playlists, which will be clusters of videos with a focus on different topics of Binance service. Thus, allowing users to find all they need to know about a subject in one place from start to finish. They have 7 on the site already waiting for users, including a "real-world working with blockhain guide" and a guide to their new service, Binance DEX. While the second major change comes in the form of a newly launched Promoted Content function. This will allow users to find the most important things they need to know fast, without having to navigate the website for long periods of times. Here you will also find further changes to this service, as well as things you need to know about Binance in general. It all looks good to us and will be ideal to stay up to date more easily. Plus, with Binance also announcing further changes soon, things could get even easier before long.