Bitcoin CFDs: A Complete Guide

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Bitcoin CFDs: A Complete Guide

A Contract for Difference (CFD) is an advanced trading product that has gained popularity together with a variety of other traditional trading options, such as indices, stocks, forex, and futures. With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency, it has now become possible to start trading Bitcoin CFDs. Here’s everything you need to know about the topic.

CFDs are a great way to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The main advantages of trading with CFDs instead of cryptocurrency assets are:

  • It requires less technical know-how to start trading
  • You may profit from both upward and downward price movements
  • Considerably fewer security risks
  • No cryptocurrency wallet is required

These regulated CFD trading platforms offer a great service to facilitate the buying and selling of several well-known cryptocurrencies:

Venturing into the exciting world of CFD trading can be as exciting as it is daunting. That’s why it’d be a good idea to read through this useful list of 10 CFD Trading Tips to Remember.

What are Bitcoin CFDs?

CFDs allow traders to capitalise on the price movement of a commodity, such as Bitcoin, without having to actually purchase the said commodity. At its most basic, a CFD is a bet between a buyer and a seller about the future price of an underlying asset.

CFD traders who believe that the price of Bitcoin will increase in the future take a long position, whereas those who believe that the price will decrease take a short position. A CFD broker then manages the buy and sell instructions sent by you, the trader, and facilitates the entire process, by providing an online platform to easily trade CFDs.

Bitcoin CFDs, like their traditional counterparts, use leverage or margin trading to amplify the volume of trades. When the price of Bitcoin rises, a buyer will offer his/her holding for sale. The net difference, or spread, in price between the starting and closing positions, are added together and the resulting gain or loss is settled through the trader’s brokerage account. Similarly, a trader who started by opening a sell position would purchase an offsetting trade once the price lowers and receive the net difference of the gain or loss through the brokerage account.

Differences between a CFD Broker and a Cryptocurrency Exchange / Broker

When you use a non-CFD cryptocurrency exchange, such as, you are literally buying the currency, so you are buying the actual asset. The Bitcoin or altcoin which you purchase is your property, and no matter what happens to the value of this property, it is yours until you decide to sell it. The same is true for typical cryptocurrency brokers, such as the ones you would find on P2P platforms such as LocalBitcoins.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • CFD is a type of derivative trading.
  • When buying a Bitcoin CFD you are not technically buying Bitcoin as a form of currency but a contract between you and the CFD broker.
  • CFDs allow for margin trading and leverage.
  • You can’t withdraw CFDs from a platform and deposit it into another but you can do so with cryptocurrency assets (ie. non-CFD)

Both CFD brokers and typical exchanges or brokers facilitate the buying and selling process in exchange for commissions or fees. However, buying Bitcoin CFDs does not give you any actual currency. Instead, you get a contract which derives its value from the cryptocurrency it is based upon.

Different CFD Brokers Available

The CFD broker market is quite saturated and choosing the best CFD broker, whether to trade crypto or other traditional assets, can be tricky. Choosing new or unknown brokers puts an added risk on an already high-risk investment, so it is always safer to use reputable platforms. The following are some of the best Bitcoin CFD brokers available.

Plus 500

Plus500 has gained a strong reputation as a CFD broker, in part thanks to its FCA approval and its listing on the London Stock Exchange. Well-suited for professional traders, the platform offers negative balance protection, which means that you cannot lose more than your deposit. Plus500 accepts funding through cards and Skrill.


eToro is a powerful and versatile Bitcoin CFDs broker that has been in operation since 2007. Cryptocurrencies are just one of the numerous markets available on the platform. As a result, investors can grow their portfolio without having to use other online brokers

By using eToro, you can also take advantage of its innovative tools, including CopyTrade and CopyPortfolio.

IQ Option

Founded in 2013, IQ Option is based in Cyprus and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Boasting 20 million account holders, the platform allows demo accounts as well as maximum leverages of 1000:1 for professional traders.


AvaTrade is a licensed Bitcoin CFDs trading platform that accepts some of the lowest minimum deposits. This global platform does not charge any payment fees and supports a wide variety of convenient payment options. It offers omnichannel accessibility, including its own mobile applications.


XTB is one of the world’s leading Bitcoin CFDs brokers with 13 offices spread across the globe. The regulated platform provides a positive user experience that is also secure. Moreover, the curated list of cryptocurrency trading pairs covers the majority of top coins and currencies.

Main Benefits of Bitcoin CFDs

Bitcoin CFDs Pros And Cons

CFDs are great if all you are interested in is buying and selling your positions and churning out a profit from your trades. When you buy or sell Bitcoin CFDs, you are not actually buying or selling Bitcoin. Therefore, at no point during your trade do you need to worry about storing your Bitcoin in safe cryptocurrency wallets so as not to get it hacked or stolen.

Another important advantage of CFDs is that you can trade using margin. Similar to margin trading of an actual commodity, CFD leverage allows you to open a much larger position than you have the budget for. With every successful trade, you get to keep the additional gains made from the loaned amount, minus the broker’s fees.

The main advantage, however, lies in the fact that an investor can benefit from both bullish markets, that is when prices are going up, as well as from bearish markets, which means when Bitcoin prices are going down. By purchasing the actual currency of Bitcoin (BTC), investors can only benefit from bullish markets and have to wait for the bearish market to pass to be able to invest again. On the other hand, by opening a Bitcoin CFD short position, traders may also make a profit from a bearish market.

With some of the best CFD brokers available, including the ones mentioned above, it is very easy to get started. Investors can opt to take long or short positions and since there is no ownership of the underlying asset there are normally no shorting or borrowing interest charges.

Cons of CFDs

CFDs are complex and high-risk financial instruments that see an average of over 66% of retail investors lose money, even when using some of the best brokerage platforms as mentioned above. Furthermore, trading on leverage amplifies losses in the same way it could amplify profits. You need to be able to afford such losses before you start trading CFDs.

Until you close your open position, brokerage platforms normally charge you overnight fees. It is important that you take these fees into account before planning your investment strategy.

Last but not least, certain CFD brokers charge expensive fees, especially when compared to non-CFD brokers. For this reason, we recommend you have a look at some of the top-ranking Crypto Exchanges. Alternatively, you can do some further reading on some of the best CFD brokers that meet your trading needs.

When should you not buy cryptocurrency CFDs?

You should not buy cryptocurrency CFDs if you want to send cryptocurrency or pay someone in crypto.

Ultimately, if you purchase a Bitcoin CFD, since you do not own the underlying Bitcoin asset, you can’t pay or transfer your Bitcoin CFD to anyone. You’ll only be able to sell that CFD back to the broker and take your profit or cut your losses. This is why it would make sense to understand the difference between crypto CFDs and crypto assets.

On the other hand, if you buy actual Bitcoin from a non-CFD broker, you’ll be typically provided with a cryptocurrency wallet built within the exchange platform. From that wallet, you can transfer your Bitcoin (or any other cryptocurrency you purchased) to anyone who provides you with the right cryptocurrency wallet address.

Trading Bitcoin CFDs can have a positive impact on your investment portfolio, but it is important to understand the risks before you begin.

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