The Top 3 Crypto Wallets You Should Use

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The Top 3 Crypto Wallets You Should Use

Cryptocurrency wallets are designed to securely store your digital currency, but the sheer number of options could make choosing the right one for you difficult. If you are new to the industry, it is important that you first understand the difference between a wallet and an exchange. The next step is to choose your wallet, and below are three of the best ones available to you.

Ledger Nano X Wallet

Ledger is a brand that specialises in the production of cryptocurrency wallets. The Nano X is the latest in a series of successful products which also include the Nano S. These wallets are known as hardware wallets since you have a tangible item, similar to a USB drive.

One of the innovations of the Ledger Nano X is its Bluetooth connectivity, which allows you to easily connect it with your mobile device no matter where you are. You can opt to disable this feature if you feel that wireless is less safe.

The Ledger Nano X is an excellent device if you are planning to store a variety of digital assets. The hardware itself can store up to around 100 different cryptocurrencies at a time, but it accepts any from the 1,100+ Bitcoin and Altcoin available on Binance, Coinmama, and other exchanges.


The Exodus wallet combines the convenience of a desktop wallet with an in-built exchange platform. You can, therefore, store your digital currency as well as trade it directly. Exodus is a versatile, user-friendly and customisable wallet that you will easily learn to use.

As a desktop wallet, Exodus is not designed to store massive amounts and varieties of cryptocurrencies. It is always recommended that you store such quantities in safer, hardware wallets. Instead, this wallet is designed to keep small amounts of currency which you intend to use or trade in the near future.

Supporting over 80 different currencies, including Ether and Litecoin, Exodus is a great wallet for novice crypto traders.

CoolWallet S

Designed to be both a hardware wallet and a mobile wallet, the CoolWallet S is a lower cost option compared to the Ledger Nano X. Apart from its price, the wallet stands out from most other hardware wallets through its capability to swap, store, send and receive digital currencies without needing to be connected via USB to a computer. Using NFC or Bluetooth, you will be able to connect your CoolWallet S directly to your mobile phone.

One of the wallet’s core features is its security system. It uses a highly secure element to store private keys, making it virtually impossible for non-authorised users to steal coins. The wallet also utilises facial recognition, as well as passcodes and Touch ID to carry out its 2+1 factor authentication.

Whilst the number of supported currencies isn’t high, with around 22 currently available, the CoolWallet S wallet is very easy to use and offers great value.

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