The cryptocurrency industry is a relatively new one, yet it includes a variety of specific keywords and phrases which any serious trader or investor should know. The following list is the first in a 2-part segment on crypto jargon which you should definitely know. Altcoin - any cryptocurrency which is not Bitcoin, including popular ones such as Ethereum and Litecoin, and about 800 more.ASIC - stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit, meaning silicon processor chips capable of processing the SHA-256 algorithm used to mine Bitcoin and validate the transactions.ASIC Miners - the hardware in which the ASIC chip is located in order to function and connect to the Internet.Bitcoin - a digital token based on cryptography and invented by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto.Bitpay - a Bitcoin processing company which facilitates payments using this cryptocurrency.Blockchain - an uncentralised, distributed, peer to peer digital ledger.Block Reward - the reward which is split between all miners who successfully hash a transaction block.BTC - the most common symbol for Bitcoin.Charlie Lee - the famed creator of the Litecoin cryptocurrency.Charlie Shrem - an early adopter of the cryptocurrency industry, especially Bitcoin.Coinbase - one of the world's favourite cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. [cta dual='true' color='purple' text='Visit Coinbase' text2='Coinbase Review' href='/out/coinbase' href2=''] Cold Storage - an alternative and safer method of keeping cryptocurrencies when not used in an exchange.Cryptocurrency - the term commonly used to describe digital, cryptography-based tokens or money.DAO - called the Distributed Autonomous Organisation, this now de-listed company set the record for the largest ICO in history.Difficulty - the degree of complexity faced by mining software when it is attempting to hash a new block.ETH - the most common symbol for Ether, which is based upon the Ethereum blockchain.Ethereum - a blockchain which specialises in running smart contracts.Exchange - the platforms, such as Binance and BitMEX where fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies are exchanged.Faucet - a website reward system which provides a hundred millionth of a Bitcoin, or a Satoshi, at a time.Fiat - meaning let it be in Latin, this is a term associated with traditional, bank-issued money. [cta dual='true' color='purple' text='Visit Binance' text2='Binance Review' href='/out/binance' href2=' '] Flippening - the moment, which has never occurred as yet, that an Altcoin surpasses the market capitalisation of Bitcoin.Forging - the term refers to proof of stake blockchains where there are no block rewards and forgers (miners) receive transaction fees instead of new coins.Fork - the occurrence of a blockchain diverging into different forward paths.Genesis Block - the very first block mined in a blockchain.Halving - the rate at which each new block rewards created an entire new Bitcoin which is set at halving every four years.Hard Wallet - a physical device where cryptocurrencies can be stored securely offline.Hash - an algorithm which takes a data set of a pre-established size and converts it to a fixed length and composition.Hash Rate - the number of hashes a miner can process at a given time.HODL - a slang term for hold your coins. Go directly to Part 2 of the cryptocurrency jargon.