Exmo has now further improved the simplicity of their onboarding process with the inclusion of the Telegram Passport Option which promises to get users “Verified in One Click”. This new option for new users to their platform comes as a result of their new partnership with KYC-specialists, Sumsub at the start of July. While plans for this new option were mentioned at the time of the new deal between the two firms, it has only now been made available to traders. Essentially the way the system works is that once you register the details on the service once, then you can then use these same details on for registration at other online locations, including exchange platforms, at a later date. It allows users to register on any service with just one touch and to save passport information and other documents to Telegram. [cta text='Visit EXMO' href='/out/exmo'] The service will not be able to access this data, however, and instead, it will all remain encrypted on the user’s device alone. It operates with end-to-end encryption to ensure security and as the platform itself doesn’t have the permission to access the information, the program also remains completely confidential. CEO of EXMO Cryptocurrency Platform, Sergey Zhdanov said ahead of the new option, “EXMO team is constantly working on optimizing the KYC process. Today we are happy to announce the opportunity to verify users via Telegram Passport. We are sure that many not verified platform's customers will appreciate this new easy and safe option”