Crypto exchange intermediary Changelly has partnered with Telegram-based crypto wallet Button Wallet to created what they called "the easiest and fastest" way to exchange cryptocurrencies. According to a press release published by Changelly, Button Wallet users will be able to hold, send transactions and implement crypto to crypto exchange such as sharing a dinner bill in cryptos, or getting a payment in Ethereum and then exchange it for XRP. The Telegram pre-installed app Button Wallet supports BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, LTC, Waves, Dai, and ERC-20 tokens, and fiat support will be added next month. So, the crypto exchange, as well as fiat exchange with all intrinsic possibilities, will be easy to use in the day to day operations. “Changelly and Button believe in people maintaining power over their own funds," said Rachel McCrary, CCO of Button Wallet. "Over time, they strive together to continue to make this process more and more seamless over the coming months.” On the other hand, Dmitry Burin, COO of Changelly, highlighted that Button Wallet's idea of using telegram to execute all exchange between cryptos and fiats "was a genius idea." As the press release said, do you want to tip a barista but have no cash? "Just find their usernames in Telegram and do a range of simple actions." Changelly Partners With Sun&Substance on Security and Regulation Previously on February, Changelly partnered with Sun&Substance, the bank-grade KYC/AML multi-account ecosystem also known as Sumsub, in an attempt to fight against fraud and to improve its product line to make it more trustworthy. According to Changelly, Sum&Substance will help them to raise security and regulatory standards around the world. The system will work on users' identification.