have listed four events this week that you need to pay attention to in order to stay on top of market prices changes over the next 5 days. Unlike last week where the focus was very much on the USA markets, this week are telling traders to pay more attention to Europe and Australia. This is because within these locations there will be Consumer Confidence reports that will have a significant impact on companies within these areas’ businesses and the performance on their respective currencies on the Forex market. [cta text='Visit' href='/out/trade'] The full list of four market influences is as follows: EUR Consumer Confidence (22nd June, 15:00)AUD Consumer Confidence (23rd June, 00:00)EUR German Business Climate (June 24th, 09:00)USD US GDP (June 25th, 13:30) As such, it will be a busy 48 hours that you will need to be on top of if you are hoping to act quickly and benefit from the information that these reports will cause on the market. Of course, as always, you will be able to implement your reactions to these on where assets relevant to all these events can be found with ease.