The Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, CNMV, has added 23 new forex and Cryptocurrency exchanges to its list. called "Chiringuitos Financieros." According to a press release published by the CNMV, the regulator agency identified 23 firms that are not authorized "to provide the investment services detailed in Article 140 of the Securities Markets Law, which include investment advice, or to provide the auxiliary services detailed in letters a), b), d), f) and g) of Article 141 of the said Law in relation to the financial instruments detailed in Article 2 of the said Law, including, for those purposes, foreign currency transactions." The agency also highlights that only the registered companies have authorisation following a process that includes requirements and supervision from the regulator. Companies that are now in the warning list and are named "chiringuitos financieros" include serviciosdetrading from the Grupo GMI, the cryptoiberian website from Outsource Your Marketing now LTD, and the websites airbitclub, airbitclubmundial, bitbackoffice and from Airbit Club. Most companies are emailing websites and companies that are looking for initial deposits that naive investors are willing to give to these websites in exchange for a dream called 'being a millionaire'. Spain, as one of the seven countries that signed the European Mediterranean letter for the promotion of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology usage and proper regulation on the cryptocurrency market, is raising its efforts against the evil practices of the industry. Garantias Mecanicas e Inversiones SL has freetotrading and htsmarkets websites, both associates with two warned websites traderfxcapital and cursosdeforex. Livermore Trade is another company included in the warning list, as Ferrari Financial limited, Trinity Financial Limited and Profile Analysis Investment III, that are associated with the same person: Carlo Virginioi Girolano Ferrari. Finally, Black Parrot, Blonde Bear OU and Trade111 are on the list, and also reported in Poland.