KuCoin have outlined a new promotion that will see users offered a gift when they complete their first margin trade on the platform. This promo comes less than a week after KuCoin unveiled another promotion, whereby their users could win prizes as part of a trading competition that centred around a newly listed token on their platform VRA. This competition though will be focused on one of the latest additions to their platform, Margin Trading. [cta text='Visit KuCoin' href='/out/kucoin'] This service went live last month, with this likely being a move to attract their users towards the service and raise the profile of the service on the platform. The competition itself though is super easy to get involved in and will operate margin trading fee refund activity that will come into effect if you are yet to use the platform for the first time. All you need to is navigate to this area of the service and borrow any amount of leverage. You will be awarded the fee for this transaction back within 3 days of making it. This means that your first trade will be on KuCoin and gives you the perfect excuse to start using the service. The only requirement, other than being a first-time KuCoin margin trader is users must hold the 20-day average holdings position of 50 KCS or more. This opportunity will run from 00:00:00 on January 1, 2020 to 23:59:59 on January 20, 2020 (UTC + 8).